Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 16:20:17 EDT
From: Kevin Jones <>
To: Subscribers to the maili <>
Subject: Re: Comments on TWC-L
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
>From: Kevin Jones, 100621,17
>TO: "",
>DATE: 18/07/96 00:46
>RE: Copy of: Re: Comments on TWC-L
By the way, mind if I post our conversations off to the mailing list? It
sidestepped it 'cos it wasn't addressed to all the subscribers - only me.
>> > i wouldn't be so bold as to speak up.
>> I would.
>i wouldn't know what to say.
Somehow it comes to you. Part empathy, part understanding, part belief - and
totally instinctive. I suspect that it's a case of you've either got it or you
haven't - though it may be that some of it might be capable of being learnt.
Start off by thinking 'what would I feel like in this position?' - a good start
for most things.
>a person may be able to work their 'craft with song.
They're called bards - though not the variety who turn up at Eistedfods or who
get in the local papers!
> hymns are beautiful when the people singing have jesus in their hearts.
Any music is heart-stopping when it comes from the performer's heart - that is
what makes the difference between bog-standard music and something - different.
It's that moment when the performer has forgotten the music, the instrument and
the audience and is playing from the essence of themselves. It's nothing to do
with technique.
Not being a Christian (I'm a pagan) I'm not likely to have Jesus in my heart!
However, in any religion, if someone genuinely has followed the religion with
honesty and allowed whatever he or she calls divine to guide them - well, you
can have some interesting results. Unfortunately in many religions you get far
too many being intolerant of views different from theirs.
I have great sympathy with Dave Allen's views and statement - 'may your god go
with you'.
>call me a believer. in music.
Not a bad start. Music is emotion made sound.
>i don't mean that music is The solution for the terminally ill. it's a personal
>appreciation i have.
Given my previous point, it can be an extremely valuable setting for many
people. However, as you say, there isn't one right solution for terminal
patients - shit, everyone is different so every approach will be different.
Anyway, the more you appreciate music the better. I've often thought, in view of
my experiences in life (don't ask!) that I'd like to have 'Brothers in Arms'
played at my funeral. It would say everything I wished to say to family and
friends in a way that they'd understand.
Then again, being part Irish, I'd like to have a wake - I've threatened to haunt
everybody if I don't get one! The only trouble with a wake though is that you
don't get to enjoy your own party. Well, you can, but you'd soon find you were
on your own...
I did know one (English) person who thought the idea of a party for the deceased
barbaric. Well, the logic is this - if they were a good person, you should be
happy because they've gone to a better place. If they were a bad person you
should be happy because they're out of your life! So enjoy, drink and pay your
>a difficult path. may you walk with a sure step. 'love in action' is a
beautiful way to >live.
I am what I am. I live in a manner that makes me feel fulfilled, though it's not
done for reward. Anyway, someone needs to do something - in the absence of
anyone else it seems I'm elected! Whether this is 'love in action' is neither
here nor there. I don't think about it - I just do it. Sometimes I ruefully
wonder if I have a large neon sign saying 'MUG!' over my head, but that's just a
self-mocking sense of humour - I wouldn't change things. Though I might wish
they'd give me more warning or keep more regular hours!!!