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Re: Pain, petrified fear and volcanoes

Tony Halmarack (
Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:04:12 +0100

From: (Tony Halmarack)
Subject: Re: Pain, petrified fear and volcanoes
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:04:12 +0100

In message <> Vashti wrote:

> I am sorry to hear you were ill.

Hello Vash,

Thanks for the sympathy, I'm well again now. Quite cheerful in
fact, after reading some of the recent postings to the list. What
a bunch of characters! Do you think these ideas will come to
fruition soon. It'll be some party. Hope I can make it for the
big one.

>I have been in some pain, myself, but I try to "meditate through it"

I hope you're feeling ok now. Meditation's a current topic on the
list, which method do you use? Would you recommend it to others?

> occasionally, I have need of pain medication, but
> actually pot works much better at the times I am really in pain.

I've read that pot is a pain killer but never really used it for
that purpose. I don't use it much now because it seems to
adversely affect my heart rythm.

>For a
> chest cold thing i would have given you some hyssop tea with peppermint.
> (cold or hot, it does the trick)

Thanks, I'll try it.

> >> some people are in more pain than yourself.
> >
> >Sad for them. Lucky for me. I'd like to keep it that way for as
> >long as possible.
> It is difficult to do without resorting to some kind of drug,
> can be accomplished.

Please let us know about any none-drug methods you are familiar
with. Drug methods too!

I recently saw an astounding article in the 'New Scientist' magazine
dated 6th April 1996. The article was called 'Give a drug a bad name'
and explained that each year in Britain thousands of cancer patients
die in agony. Even though the WHO strongly recommend the use of
morphine and related drugs for pain relief, the association of
these opiates with heroin use have given the pain killers a
reputation as dangerous drugs. Consequently doctors are scared
of prescribing them.

It makes me wonder who is running this show?
Also, whether they should be.

> I have not used hallucinogens since 1973, I think. But I am with you.
>(and in the book of Wisdom it says : "There is no bad drug" ahem...
>on and on I go...

I'm sure they all have their uses. Red tape certainly isn't a
realistic alternative.

> >> there are those in desperation. hopeless.
> >
> >Maybe if all else failed, hallucinogens might catapult them out
> >of that unpleasant state of consciousness, especially if there
> >were people with the appropriate skills, prepared to assist.
> How would you assist them?

I would try to encourage experts to advise and participate.
I'd prefer to learn from the best sources available.

> >>you are hopefull.
> >
> >Most of the time I am. I hope it continues.
> bwhhahahah....!
> >
> >> the hope you have, envelopes your entire being.
> >
> >Yes but this envelope's been through the system a few times
> >and there are a bit of wear beginning to show.
> through what system?

It was a pun on the word envelope.

> I do not fear least not in the spiritual sense. It is man that I
> fear. Of God there is only awe.

I'd say that you've got your priorities about right there.

> I am happiest after a good pot cry. I usually cry about the things that
> worry me. i feel cleansed. It is almost grief to leave the planet. But
> there is a part of me that wants desperately to go.

I haven't had a good cry for ages. Then again, I've had a pretty
good time of it over the last few years, for which I'm thankful.

Leaving children, partner and friends behind would be so painful
but sometimes the world seems like a cruel and miserable penal
colony for many people.

> >What if there are other people like me, weighed down and hobbled by
> >their fears? They may come to death's door too heavily burdened
> >to make the transition. They may hang about on the threshold for
> >months or years incapable of taking that final step, rooted in
> >abject misery.
> >
> >I've seen it. I don't want it to happen to me. I wouldn't wish it
> >on any friend of mine.
> so how to stop it?

Positive action.

> >> -- i'm not one to use needless drugs.
> >
> >That seems very sensible to me, if there is no need for drugs,
> >why use them?
> But if there is a need for them, why not use them?

Oh, yes indeed!

Tony Halmarack =(*)=

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