From: Kevin Jones <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 08:50:42 +0000
Subject: re: archive
To: Subscribers to the mailing-list TWC-L <>
heatsink said:
>>Well, we're not too sure whether this is reincarnation yet. It might be
>>member of the living dead escaped from some B movie.
>Living Dead who know how to use E-Mail, presumably!
Well just because you're dead doesn't mean you're daft! OK, so you don't look
your best, you feel like death warmed up, your eyes are bloodshot and bits
occasionally fall off (being undead is a bit like a really bad hangover except
that strong black coffee doesn't help) but you can still just about find the
computer and tap out messages with one finger (eg: 'I wish I was dead' ) before
going off to find your next victim. Well, you got to do something with your
Then again, it could have practical advantages - you're not liable for any taxes
if you're dead.
Best wishes